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Examining the role of flare-driven D-region electron density enhancement on Doppler Flash
  • +2
  • Shibaji Chakraborty,
  • Liying Qian,
  • J. Michael Ruohoniemi,
  • Joseph Baker,
  • Joseph McInerney
Shibaji Chakraborty
Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Liying Qian
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J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Virginia Tech
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Joseph Baker
Virginia Tech
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Joseph McInerney
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Trans–ionospheric high frequency (HF) signals experience a strong attenuation following a solar flare, commonly referred to as Short–Wave Fadeout (SWF). Although solar flare-driven HF absorption is a well-known impact of SWF, the occurrence of a frequency shift on radio wave signal traversing the lower ionosphere in the early stages of SWF, also known as “Doppler Flash”, is newly reported and not well understood. Some prior investigations have suggested two possible sources that might contribute to the manifestation of Doppler Flash: first, enhancements of plasma density in the D and lower E regions; second, the lowering of the reflection point in the F region. Observations and modeling evidence regarding the manifestation and evolution of Doppler Flash in the ionosphere are limited. This study seeks to advance our understanding of the initial impacts of solar flare-driven SWF. We use WACCM-X to estimate flare-driven enhanced ionization in D, E, and F-regions and a ray-tracing code (Pharlap) to simulate a 1-hop HF communication through the modified ionosphere. Once the ray traveling path has been identified, the model estimates the Doppler frequency shift along the ray path. Finally, the outputs are validated against observations of SWF made with SuperDARN HF radars. We find that changes in refractive index in the D and lower E regions due to plasma density enhancement are the primary cause of Doppler Flash.