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Theoretical analysis of class EF / Φ inverter under various load conditions
  • +2
  • Baptiste Daire,
  • Christian Martin,
  • Fabien Sixdenier,
  • Charles Joubert,
  • Loris Pace
Baptiste Daire

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Christian Martin
Fabien Sixdenier
Charles Joubert
Loris Pace


Class EF inverter are very suitable for high frequency operations and are widely used in power converter. However the design of such converter is still a problem since it is very sensitive to load variation. This paper provides analytical study of the overall behaviour of the class EF / Φ inverter whether it is loaded with its optimal impedance or not. Because obtained design equations are highly non-linear, they were gathered in a single design chart that enable quick and easy design of class EF inverter for any loading conditions. This work stands as a strong contribution to the mathematical modeling of the class EF inverter and provides an in-depth understanding of its overall behaviour.
04 Mar 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
06 Mar 2024Published in TechRxiv