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Presentify: Automated Presentation Slide Generation from Research Papers using NLP and Deep Learning (May 2024)
  • +1
  • Atul Shreewastav,
  • Bidhan Acharya,
  • Nischal Paudel,
  • Yugratna Humagain
Atul Shreewastav
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE, Thapathali Campus
Bidhan Acharya
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE, Thapathali Campus
Nischal Paudel
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE, Thapathali Campus
Yugratna Humagain
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE, Thapathali Campus

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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This study presents a novel approach for automating the generation of presentation slides from academic research papers. We leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, particularly a fine-tuned T5 transformer model, to streamline knowledge dissemination within the computer science domain. The model, trained on a custom dataset of research articles, extracts key information and transforms it into well-structured presentation slides. The T5 model's proficiency in text-to-text transfer tasks is enhanced through fine-tuning with domain-specific metrics. This approach enables the automatic conversion of research articles into concise and informative presentation slides. This research has the potential to significantly impact how technical information is summarized and communicated within the research community, fostering greater efficiency and clarity.
08 May 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
13 May 2024Published in TechRxiv