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3D-Printed Conductive Thermoplastic Electromyography Electrodes
  • +1
  • Jonathan Lévesque,
  • Félix Chamberland,
  • Erik Scheme,
  • Benoit Gosselin
Jonathan Lévesque

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Author Profile
Félix Chamberland
Erik Scheme
Benoit Gosselin


In the evolving landscape of assistive technologies, significant advancements are being made in the functionality of intelligent myoelectric prostheses, positioning them as a legitimate option for amputees and persons with congenital limb differences. Concurrently, 3D printing is transitioning from its traditional role as a prototyping tool to a viable, cost-effective method for manufacturing. Against this backdrop, it becomes feasible to assess the capabilities of 3D printing in fabricating intricate components, such as electrodes, which are critical for the effective operation of these prostheses. This study explores the efficacy of 3D-printed electrodes by producing and evaluating three variants of graphitedoped thermoplastic electrodes, subsequently enhanced with a layer of gold-plating. These innovative electrodes were benchmarked against five conventional electromyography (EMG) electrodes to compare their performance and characteristics. Testing with ten participants revealed that two of the three thermoplastic materials examined, PLA and TPU, exhibited real potential for electromyography applications. Notably, the application of goldplating to these thermoplastics significantly enhanced signal quality, achieving parity with the performance of traditional metal electrodes in certain cases. This investigation underscores the promising future of doped thermoplastic 3D-printed electrodes in medical applications. By enabling the production of electrodes that combine a conductive core with an insulating exterior, this technology paves the way for the creation of highly complex electrode designs. Moreover, the ability to rapidly prototype and iterate designs through 3D printing is set to revolutionize the development process of electrode arrays, offering new avenues for innovation in not only prosthetic technology, but in many other fields too.
08 May 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
13 May 2024Published in TechRxiv