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Improved Design-Oriented Analytical Model for Switched Reluctance Machines Unsaturated Inductances
  • +2
  • Roberto Rocca,
  • Giulio De Donato,
  • Paolo Bolognesi,
  • Chris Gerada,
  • Fabio Giulii Capponi
Roberto Rocca

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Giulio De Donato
Paolo Bolognesi
Chris Gerada
Fabio Giulii Capponi


Design-oriented modelling of switched reluctance machines is gaining more and more attention as it provides an attractive solution to the considerable computational burden associated to preliminary design stages. This work proposes a novel analytical model to determine the unsaturated inductance values, particularly in non-overlap conditions, based on a twofold improvement of the permeance method: the use of elliptic flux tubes, and the ability to self-tailor the flux tube shapes to any machine geometry. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed model is proven against finite element analysis applied to four designs, along with experimental results of a physical prototype. Selftailoring is also assessed and its implementation in an automated design routine is analysed.
10 May 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
17 May 2024Published in TechRxiv