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Correlating traditional image quality metrics and DNN-based object detection: a case study with compressed camera data
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  • Daniel Gummadi ,
  • Pak Hung Chan ,
  • Hetian Wang ,
  • Valentina Donzella
Daniel Gummadi
University of Warwick

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Pak Hung Chan
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Hetian Wang
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Valentina Donzella
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 Assisted and automated driving (AAD) systems heavily rely on data collected from perception sensors, such as cameras. While prior research has explored the quality of camera data via traditional and well-established image quality assessment (IQA) metrics (e.g. PSNR, SSIM, BRISQUE) or have considered when noisy/degraded data affects perception algorithms (e.g. deep neural network (DNN) based object detection), there are no works that approach the holistic relationship between IQA and DNN performance. This work proposes that traditional IQA metrics, designed to evaluate digital image quality according to human visual perception, can help to predict the sensor data degradation level that perception algorithms can tolerate before performance deterioration occurs. Consequently, a correlation analysis was conducted between 17 selected IQA metrics (with and without reference) and DNN average precision. The evaluated data was increasingly compressed to generate degradation and artefacts. Notably, the experimental results show that several IQA metrics had a strong positive correlation (exceeding correlation scores of 0.7) with average precision, with IW-SSIM and DSS having very high correlation (> 0.9). Interestingly, the results show that re-training BRISQUE on compressed data causes an exceptionally high positive correlation (> 0.97), making it very suitable for predicting the performance of DNN object detectors. By effectively relating traditional image quality metrics to DNN performance, this research offers a series of significant tools to understand and predict perception degradation based on the quality of data, thus resulting in a significant impact on the development of automated driving systems.Â