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May 31, 2022
Melting Experiments on Fe-O-H and Fe-H: Evidence for Eutectic Melting in Fe-FeH and I...
Kenta Oka, Nagi Ikuta, Shoh Tagawa, et al.
October 10, 2021
High-Temperature Equation of State of FeH: Implications for Hydrogen in Earth’s Inner...
Shoh Tagawa, Hitoshi Gomi, Kei Hirose, et al.
March 12, 2022
High-Pressure Melting Curve of FeH: Implications for Eutectic Melting between Fe and...
Shoh Tagawa, George Helffrich, Kei Hirose, et al.
February 02, 2022
Melting Experiments on Fe-O-H: Evidence for Eutectic Melting in Fe-FeH and Implicatio...
Kenta Oka, Shoh Tagawa, Kei Hirose, et al.