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Scott A. Boardsen

and 5 more

The nonthermal continuum radiation (NTC) beaming angle is computed over the entire Van Allen Probes A mission when the spacecraft was in the dawn sector. The conditions in the dawn sector are favorable for the wave vector to lie near/in the spacecraft’s spin plan allowing a favorable estimate of the beaming angle, and the dawn sector is also advantageous in that previous studies show NTC occurrence to peak in this sector. We found that scatter plots, over the entire mission, of beaming angle versus magnetic latitude form a distinct inverted V pattern, with the apex at/near the magnetic equator. This pattern was sharpest for frequencies (f) ≲ 100 kHz. Using the NTC beaming formula from LMCT, we show that such an inverted V pattern is expected due to the large variation in the plasmapause location over the entire mission. The theoretical derived pattern qualitatively reproduces the observed pattern but not quantitatively. The lack of quantitative agreement is discussed and is attributed to several factors, one factor is off centered emissions from the radio window. The qualitative agreement strongly supports LMCT as being the dominant mechanism generating NTC for f ≲ 100 kHz. For f ≳ 100 kHz the inverted V pattern becomes less distinct, and strong near equatorial beaming is observed. After considering contamination of our selections by left-handed polarized AKR, our study suggests that besides LMCT another unidentified NTC generation mechanism becomes important for f ≳ 100 kHz.

Katariina Nykyri

and 19 more

Understanding the physical mechanisms responsible for the cross-scale energy transport and plasma heating from solar wind into the Earth’s magnetosphere is of fundamental importance for magnetospheric physics and for understanding these processes in other places in the universe with comparable plasma parameter ranges. This paper presents observations from Magnetosphere Multi-Scale (MMS) mission at the dawn-side high-latitude dayside boundary layer on 25th of February, 2016 between 18:55-20:05 UT. During this interval MMS encountered both inner and outer boundary layer with quasi-periodic low frequency fluctuations in all plasma and field parameters. The frequency analysis and growth rate calculations are consistent with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI). The intervals within low frequency wave structures contained several counter-streaming, low- (0-200 eV) and mid-energy (200 eV-2 keV) electrons in the loss cone and trapped energetic (70-600 keV) electrons in alternate intervals. Wave intervals also showed high energy populations of O+ ions, likely of ionospheric or ring current origin. The counter-streaming electron intervals were associated with a large-magnitude field-aligned Poynting fluxes. Burst mode data at the large Alfven velocity gradient revealed a strong correlation between counter streaming electrons, enhanced parallel electron temperatures, strong anti-field aligned wave Poynting fluxes, and wave activity from sub-proton cyclotron frequencies extending to electron cyclotron frequency. Waves were identified as Kinetic Alfven waves but their contribution to parallel electron heating was not sufficient to explain the > 100 eV electrons, and rapid non-adiabatic heating of the boundary layer as determined by the characteristic heating frequency, derived here for the first time.