Songnam Hong

and 1 more

Online federated learning (OFL) is a promising framework to learn a sequence of global functions using distributed sequential data at local devices. In this framework, we first introduce a {\em single} kernel-based OFL (termed S-KOFL) by incorporating the random-feature (RF) approximation, online gradient descent (OGD), and federated averaging (FedAvg) properly. However, it is nontrivial to develop a communication-efficient method with multiple kernels. One can construct a multi-kernel method (termed vM-KOFL) by following the extension principle in the centralized counterpart. This vanilla method is not practical as the communication overhead grows linearly with the size of a kernel dictionary. Moreover, this problem is not addressed via the existing communication-efficient techniques in federated learning such as quantization or sparsification. Our major contribution is to propose a novel randomized algorithm (named eM-KOFL), which can enjoy the advantage of multiple kernels while having a similar communication overhead with S-KOFL. It is theoretically proved that eM-KOFL yields the same asymptotic performance as vM-KOFL, i.e., both methods achieve an optimal sublinear regret bound. Mimicking the key principle of eM-KOFL efficiently, pM-KOFL is presented. Via numerical tests with real datasets, we demonstrate that pM-KOFL can yield the same performances as vM-KOFL and eM-KOFL on various online learning tasks while having the same communication overhead as S-KOFL. These suggest the practicality of the proposed pM-KOFL.