November 18, 2022
Entrainment Rates and Eddy Exchange Coefficients from Reanalysis Sea Surface Salinity...
Nathan Paldor, Ofer Shamir, Itamar Yacoby, et al.
April 14, 2021
A QBO cookbook: Sensitivity of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation to resolution, resolved...
Chaim I Garfinkel, Edwin P Gerber, Ofer Shamir, et al.
May 06, 2020
On the role of domain aspect ratio in the westward intensification of wind-driven sur...
Nathan Paldor, Kaushal Gianchandani, Hezi Gildor, et al.
July 08, 2020
An algorithm for computing the deflection angle of surface ocean currents relative to...
Adrian Constantin, David G. Dritschel, Nathan Paldor, et al.