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Coastal interfaces blend processes dominated by upland region hydrology and ocean hydrodynamics (tides, winds, waves, baroclinic fluctuations, among others). These areas tend to be vulnerable to flooding, a matter of concern considering that around 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the ocean. Specifically, The US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts are heavily affected by extratropical storms every year with catastrophic consequences. Models that integrate the dynamics of both oceans and river networks are needed in order to better improve flood forecast systems in coastal areas. Due to their spatial and temporal scale differences, traditional models solve river and ocean hydrodynamics independently. As a first step toward unifying coastal interface modeling, we designed an ADCIRC-based model that uses unstructured, highly variable-sized triangular meshes that can accurately represent both ocean basins and inland river networks. This meshing technique allows for incorporating features that control the dynamics of the nearshore area, such as barrier islands, jetties, and dredged channels. We analyze how mesh design impacts water level estimations in the deep ocean as well as inland rivers. Accuracy in the deep ocean is sensitive primarily to bathymetry in areas with high energy dissipation, whereas water level prediction within river networks depends on both bathymetry and resolution. While a minimum resolution in the order of a hundred meters is enough to accurately predict water level for most rivers with tidal influence, smaller tributaries require resolutions down to tens of meters. Future research will use these findings to build precipitation and rainfall-runoff into the model for a more comprehensive understanding of the coastal interface hydrodynamics.
The current technology used by the Extratropical Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS) on the East of the US and Gulf of Mexico coasts uses a sub-optimal unstructured grid, that over-resolves some straight portions of the coastline, under-resolves complex estuaries and coastal features, and employs roughly uniform resolution depending on the different water depths. The ESTOFS model is very efficient in terms of computational run time because it was designed for operational use, but accuracy is sub-optimal as the details of the complex inland water bodies is not captured with the 200 m minimum mesh resolution. ADCIRC is a robust high-fidelity depth-integrated model, widely used for the coastal community, including ESTOFS, for tides, storm surge, and wave-induced coastal setup. ADCIRC is a continuous-Galerkin based finite element unstructured grid framework that allows using meshes with a heterogeneous resolution to better represent the complexity of the ocean, shelf and nearshore regions. Recent advances on mesh generation tools now allow generating replicable high-resolution grids in times much shorter than the hand-edited processes used to develop the current version of ESTOFS. This opens the opportunity to study the effect of the different resolutions to represent topo-bathymetric and far inland water body features, in order to reduce the computational cost and improve the accuracy of the models. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop an ADCIRC-based model to accurately and efficiently simulate the dynamics of the ocean and riverine system in the Atlantic coast of the US and Gulf of Mexico for tide/storm predictions. The new ADCIRC-based model will incorporate a representation of the riverine system far up to the point where the ocean has no effect on water levels, efficiently use the resolution to reduce the minimum grid-size from 250 m to 50 m, with no significant increase in the number of nodes, and will combine pseudo-quadrilateral elements to efficiently represent narrow channels. This new generation of ESTOFS will represent a significant enhancement of the current technology for tides and storm surge prediction, but also will set up the required conditions for future approaches focused on coupling inland hydrology to the coastal modeling.

Coleman Blakely

and 11 more

The mechanisms and geographic locations of tidal dissipation in barotropic tidal models is examined using a global, unstructured, finite element model. From simulated velocities and depths, the total dissipation within the global model is estimated. This study examines the effect that altering bathymetry can have on global tides. The Ronne ice shelf and Hudson Bay are identified as a highly sensitive region to bathymetric specification. We examine where dissipation occur and find that high boundary layer dissipation regions are very limited in geographic extent while internal tide dissipation regions are more distributed. By varying coefficients used in the parameterizations of both boundary layer and internal tide dissipation, regions that are highly sensitive to perturbations are identified. Particularly sensitive regions are used in a simple optimization technique to improve both global and local tidal results. Bottom friction coefficients are high in energetic flow regions, across the arctic ocean, and across deep ocean island chains such as the Aleutian and Ryuku Islands. Global errors of the best solution in the $M_2$ are 3.10 \si{cm} overall, 1.94 \si{cm} in areas deeper than 1000 \si{m}, and 7.74 \si{cm} in areas shallower than 1000 \si{m}. In addition to improvements in tidal amplitude, the total dissipation is estimated and compared to astronomical estimates. Greater understanding of the geographical distribution of regions which are sensitive to friction allows for a more efficient approach to optimizing tidal models.