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January 07, 2019
Coronal Hole Obscuration and Open Flux
Ronald Caplan, Cooper Downs, Jon Linker, et al.
December 06, 2021
Open-Source High-Performance Flux Transport
Ronald Caplan, Lisa Upton, Jon Linker, et al.
December 18, 2020
Optimization of Magnetic Flux Ropes Modeled with the RBSL Method
Viacheslav Titov, Cooper Downs, Tibor Torok, et al.
December 15, 2021
Partially Open Fields and the Energy of Solar Eruptions
Jon Linker, Cooper Downs, Ronald Caplan, et al.
March 10, 2021
Mitigation of Coronal Hole Obscuration for Open Flux Estimates
Ronald Caplan, Jon Linker, Cooper Downs, et al.