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Ronald Caplan

and 6 more

The main objective of the NASA-NSF SWQU “A New-generation Software to Improve the Accuracy of Space Weather Predictions” effort is to develop a data-driven time-dependent model of the solar corona and heliosphere. This model will provide coronal and solar wind predictions and be made available to the public. One key component of this model is the use of a data-assimilation flux transport model to generate an ensemble of synchronic radial magnetic field maps to use as boundary conditions for the coronal field model. While flux transport models have long been established in the community, they are not open source or available for public use. We therefore are developing a new Open-source Flux Transport (OFT) software suite. The computational core of the OFT is the High-Performance Flux Transport code (HipFT). HipFT implements advection, diffusion, and data assimilation for the solar surface on a logically rectangular non-uniform spherical grid. It is written in Fortran and parallelized for use with multi-core CPUs and GPUs using a combination of OpenACC/MP directives and Fortran’s standard parallel ‘do concurrent’. To alleviate the strict time-step stability criteria for the diffusion equation, we use a Legendre polynomial extended stability Runge-Kutta super time-stepping algorithm (RKL2). The code is designed to be modular, incorporating various differential rotation, meridianal flow, super granular convective flow, and data assimilation models. Multiple realizations of the evolving flux will be computed in parallel using MPI in order to produce an ensemble of model outputs for uncertainty quantification. Here, we describe the initial implementation of the HipFT code and demonstrate its validation and performance. We use an analytic solution of surface diffusion and rigid rotational longitudinal velocity to validate the advection and diffusion implementations. We also compare realistic flux transport test problems against the established AFT flux transport code.

Viacheslav Titov

and 5 more

The so-called regularized Biot-Savart laws (RBSLs, Titov et al. 2018) provide an efficient and flexible method for modeling pre-eruptive magnetic configurations whose characteristics are constrained by observational image and magnetic-field data. This method allows one to calculate the field of magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) with small circular cross-sections and an arbitrary axis shape. The field of the whole configuration is constructed as a superposition of (1) such a flux-rope field, (2) an ambient potential field determined, for example, by the radial field component of an observed magnetogram, and (3) a so-called compensating potential field that counteracts deviations of the radial field caused by the axial current of the MFR. The RBSL kernels are determined from the requirement that the MFR field for a straight cylinder must be exactly force-free. For a curved MFR, however, the magnetic forces are generally unbalanced over the whole path of the MFR. To reduce this imbalance, we apply a modified Gauss-Newton method to minimize the magnitude of the residual magnetic forces per unit length and the unit axial current of the MFR. This is done by iteratively adjusting the MFR axis path and axial current. We then try to relax the resulting optimized configuration in a subsequent line-tied zero-beta MHD simulation toward a force-free equilibrium. By considering several examples, we demonstrate how this approach works depending on the initial parameters of the MFR and the ambient magnetic field. Our method will be beneficial for both the modeling of particular eruptive events and theoretical studies of idealized pre-eruptive magnetic configurations. This research is supported by NSF, NASA’s HSR, SBIR, and LWS Programs, and AFOSR

Jon Linker

and 7 more

It has long been recognized that the energy source for major solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is the solar magnetic field within active regions. Specifically, it is believed to be the release of the free magnetic energy (energy above the potential field state) stored in the field prior to eruption. For estimates of the free energy to provide a prognostic for future eruptions, we must know how much energy an active region can store – Is there a bound to this energy? The Aly-Sturrock theorem shows that the energy of a fully force-free field cannot exceed the energy of the so-called open field. If the theorem holds, this places an upper limit on the amount of free energy that can be stored. In recent simulations, we have found that the energy of a closely related field, the partially open field (POF), can place a useful bound on the energy of an eruption from real active regions, a much tighter constraint than the energy of the fully open field. A database of flare ribbons (Kazachenko et al., ApJ 845, 2017) offers us an opportunity to test this idea observationally. A flare ribbon mask is defined as the area swept out by the ribbons during the flare. It can serve as a proxy for the region of the field that opened during the eruption. In this preliminary study, we use the ribbon masks to define the POF for several large events originating in solar cycle 24 active regions, and compute the energy of the POF. We compare these energies with the X-ray fluxes and CME energies for these events. Work supported by NSF, NASA, and AFOSR.

Ronald Caplan

and 2 more

Coronal holes (CH) are dark areas in EUV images that are generally associated with open magnetic field regions on the Sun. CHs detected over the entire Sun can be used to estimate the open magnetic flux in the heliosphere by overlaying them on magnetic field measurements. Making accurate estimates is difficult due to many factors, including limited instrument coverage, uncertainties in the observations, and challenges in reliable detection of CH boundaries. One such CH detection challenge stems from the fact that EUV line-of-sight observations essentially flatten the three-dimensional structure in the low corona, which can cause nearby bright structures to obstruct CHs. Here we introduce a mitigation strategy for avoiding the effects of CH obscuration. Using a global thermodynamic MHD model of the corona, we first generate synthetic EUV images for a multitude of observer locations (chosen to mimic the view of SDO over the solar rotation) and combine them into a full-Sun synoptic EUV map. A CH map is then extracted using an established detection algorithm. The resulting open flux estimates are computed and compared to the model’s true open flux. The mitigation strategy (called “minimum intensity disk merge (MIDM)”) is applied by changing the way multiple EUV disk images are combined. Instead of using central strips, full disk images are used by taking the minimum intensity in all overlapping regions. This allows any CH area observed at any vantage point to be seen in the final map. We compare the resulting open flux and CH areas to those using the standard synoptic method. We apply the MIDM method to SDO AIA 193 observational data for the same rotation, and the resulting EUV and CH maps (with corresponding open flux estimates) are compared. Issues such as CH evolution over the rotation, and synchronizing the effective EUV image height to the height of the magnetic field values are discussed.