Solomon Umer

and 1 more

To overcome the problem of land degradation expanding the elephant grass to the degraded land for soil and water conservation in sustainable land management practice were better option for farmer. Objectives are assesses the effect of integrated soil and water conservation on selected soil physicochemical property and factors determining its adoption in, Ethiopia. Materials and Methods of data were collected through soil sampling, field observation and household interviews. SPSS software version 21, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistical. Survey data was analysis for continuous variables by using independent sample t-test and for dummy variable chi-square and logistic regression to determine the predictive variable. Results, Based on the finding sand, silt and clay contents were varied significantly (P < 0.05) between the land management practices. There was significantly higher mean bulk density value for the soil bund compared to the values for the rest of the land management practices. When comparing the soil bund with elephant grass to the soil bund without elephant grass, the mean value of hydrogen power was much higher. The trend was similar for total nitrogen, available phosphorus. Furthermore, sex, total tropical livestock unit, and information about agriculture were significantly influenced adoption of soil and water conservation technology (elephant grass). Main finding the soils under the bund with elephant grass revealed that overall change towards the direction of increasing their fertility status compared to soil bund alone. Thus, stabilization of bunds with elephant grass significantly benefit to the soil for its fertility improvement.